Richmond RUN-FEST – Registration Closed

Sadly the deadline for 2024’s RUN FEST has passed.  However SPEAR hope to be offering places in 2025 and if you would like to express an interest please get in touch :  Alternatively head to our Events page to see other exciting opportunities

Send us your details

In completing and returning this form, you are agreeing to abide by the following terms and conditions:

  • Pay the registration fee within two weeks of acceptance.
  • Raise your minimum fundraising target (not including Gift Aid) for SPEAR and will pay in all offline and online monies raised by the end of September (note: money raised via Just Giving will automatically be sent to us).
  • Acknowledge that if insufficient funds are raised prior to the run and, if after discussion, SPEAR believes achieving the minimum fundraising is unlikely, we reserve the right to withdraw your place.
  • I will notify SPEAR immediately if for any reason I have to withdraw my application due to injury or personal circumstances, so where possible my place can be replaced
  • I will register myself on the official Richmond RUN-FEST portal using the link we’ll send you. (Please note you will lose your place if you do not register directly with the event organisers).
  • I declare I am physically fit to participate in this event, take part at my own risk, and will consult a doctor if I am in any doubt about my health or fitness.
  • I agree to any photos sent to SPEAR and taken on the day being used for SPEAR promotional materials. If this is not the case I will inform SPEAR when returning this form.
  • SPEAR will only communicate with me regarding this event and about similar future events I may be interested in after this event unless I choose to opt out of communications with SPEAR. We will only communicate with you about our charitable work with your express consent. Please let us know if you do not want to hear about future challenge events. (SPEAR does not share your details with third parties).